I took inspiration from RAMROD (Ride Around Mt. Rainier in One Day), touted as a hard ride with 150 miles and 10,000 feet of climb, to put together RIMROBOD (Ride the Interior of Mt. Rainier Out and Back in One Day), with a shorter distance of 118 miles (from Cougar Rock campground) but total climb of 13,435 feet, all within the Park boundaries. I have replaced the original video of my 2017 ride, both because of the much better video quality and also more accurate stats (I had the original at 15,600' of climb, which was inaccurate). This recent ride was done on October 7th, 2023 amidst a fall color autumnfest. This ride took me a total of 13.5 hours, with slightly over 11 hours of saddle time.
The autumn roadside colors were ablaze during this ride.
Sunrise and Autumn colors across from the Stevens Canyon Road, Mt. Rainier
Color along the Stevens Canyon Road
Color on the Sunrise Park Road, White River entrance