Welcome to Off-Trail
Climbing Pinnacle Peak (6562’)
The Off Trail section is featuring video shot during excursions of solitude. The latest iterations of GoPro cameras have very good audio and good enough software stabilization to enable shoulder mounted shooting while ambulating, skiing or biking. Prior to 2024 I recorded mostly in 2.7K, but the newer cameras allow for 4K/60fps. As of 2022 I am adding 360 video when appropriate. Many of these will be during peak bagging outings, where I can go hours or days without seeing another soul. Some include usually high traffic and popular trails, but during off season or early/late hours, also devoid of people. Enjoy the sounds of footsteps, the crunch of snow, birdsong, wind…and sometimes labored breathing.
The Hummock (6,000’) Unicorn Peak (6971’) Tyee Peak (6,000’) Pigeon Peak (4280’) Antler Peak (7017’) Marcus Peak (6962’) Meany Crest Ski 4/14/24 Chinook Peak (6904’) Three Way Peak (6796’) Silver King Peak (6998’) Norse Peak (6856’)
Boundary Trail (Nisqually)/Ridge Mt. Wow (6040’) Florence Peak (5508’) Lane Peak (6012’) Seymour Peak (6337’) Yakima Peak (6226’) Old Desolate (7137’) Central Cowlitz Chimney (7421’) Pinnacle Peak (6562’) Third Burroughs (7828’). Barrier (6521’)/Buell (5756’) Peaks Scarface (6108’) Foss Peak (6524). First Mother Mountain (6480’) Howard Peak (5683’) Banshee Peak (7400’) Bald Rock (5904’) Paul Peak (4800') Castle Peak (6120') Castle-First Mother Ridge Transit. Old Wonderland Trail Section: Carbon River Mt. Rainier: Mowich Rivers 50 Mt. Rainier Peaks. A Senior’s Backcountry Ski Experience DUNEs! Martin/August/Virginia/Berry Peaks Satulick/Iron/Copper Peaks Whitman Crest (9323’)/Fryingpan Glacier Lake Allen “Trail” Aurora Peak (6094’) Wahpenayo/Chutla/Eagle Peaks Plummer/Denman Peaks. Andrew Benchmark (6716’) Mount Ararat (6010’) Anvil Rock (9584’)/Muir Snowfield Ski Cowlitz Rocks (7450’) Tamanos Mountain (6790’) Sunshine Point (MRNP) Tahtlum Peak (6567’) Joshua Tree National Park TumTum Peak (4678’). Mt. Rainier: Select Summits Mt. Adams RTM Off-Trail Timelapse